Dr. Anna Großwendt

BüroUniversität Bonn
Institut für
Informatik V
Raum 2.070
Endenicher Allee 19a
D-53115 Bonn
Telefon +49 (228) 73 -60675 grosswendt1.jpg
E-Mail grosswen@cs.uni-bonn.de
SprechzeitenNach Vereinbarung



  • Clustering
  • Approximationsalgorithmen


Anna Großwendt, Heiko Röglin and Melanie Schmidt.
Analysis of Ward's Method.
In Proc. of the 30th SODA (San Diego, USA), 2019.

Anna Großwendt and Heiko Röglin.
Improved Analysis of Complete-Linkage Clustering.
In Proc. of the 23rd ESA (Patras, Greece), 2015.
Also appeared in special issue of Algorithmica.

Tobias Brunsch, Anna Großwendt, and Heiko Röglin.
Solving Totally Unimodular LPs with the Shadow Vertex Algorithm.
In Proc. of the 32nd STACS (Munich, Germany), pp. 171-183, 2015.

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