Combinatorial Optimization: Variants and Constraints
Approximation Algorithms
Conference Articles and ArXiv
A. Großwendt, H. Röglin, M. Schmidt: Analysis of Ward's method. To appear at SODA 2019.
C. Rösner, M.S.: Privacy preserving clustering with constraints. ICALP 2018: 96:1-96:14. Also: CoRR, 2018, arXiv:1802.0249. Talk
M. Groß, A. Gupta, A. Kumar, J. Matuschke, D. R. Schmidt, M.S., J. Verschae: A Local-Search Algorithm for Steiner Forest. ITCS 2018, volume 94, 31:1–31:17, 2018. arXiv:1707.02753. TalkPoster
A. Gupta, G. Guruganesh, M.S.: Approximation algorithms for aversion k-clustering via local k-median. ICALP 2016: 66:1-66:13. Paper at DROPSTalk
J. Blömer, C. Lammersen, M.S., C. Sohler: Theoretical Analysis of the k-Means Algorithm - A Survey, CoRR, 2016, arXiv:1602.08254.
E. Lee, M.S., J. Wright: Improved and Simplified Inapproximability for k-means, CoRR, 2015, arXiv:1509.00916. Talk
J.-P. W. Kappmeier, D. R. Schmidt, M.S.: Solving k-means on High-Dimensional Big Data. SEA 2015: 259-270, arXiv:1502.04265.
H. Fichtenberger, M. Gillé, M.S., C. Schwiegelshohn, C. Sohler: BICO: BIRCH Meets Coresets for k-Means Clustering. ESA 2013: 481-492. Talk
M. Groß, J.-P. Kappmeier, D. R. Schmidt, M.S.: Approximating Earliest Arrival Flows in Arbitrary Networks. ESA 2012: 551-562. Best Student Paper Award. Talk
C. Lammersen, M.S., C. Sohler: Probabilistic k-Median Clustering in Data Streams. WAOA 2012: 70-81. Talk
F. Hellweg, M. S., C. Sohler. Testing Euclidean Spanners. ESA 2010: 60-71. Talk
M. S., M. Skutella. Earliest Arrival Flows with Multiple Sinks. ISCO 2010.
D. Dressler, M. Groß, J.-P. Kappmeier, T. Kelter, J. Kulbatzki, D. Plümpe (now Schmidt), G. Schlechter, M. S., M. Skutella, S. Temme. On the use of network flow techniques for assigning evacuees to exits. International Conference on Evacuation Modeling, ICEM 2009.
Journal Articles
E. Lee, M.S., J. Wright: Improved and Simplified Inapproximability for k-means, Information Processing Letters, 2017, 120: 40-43.
J. Blömer, C. Lammersen, M.S., C. Sohler: Theoretical Analysis of the k-Means Algorithm - A Survey. Algorithm Engineering 2016: 81-116.
C. Lammersen, M.S., C. Sohler: Probabilistic k-Median Clustering in Data Streams, Theory of Computing Systems, volume 56, part 1, January 2015, pages 251-290.
M. S., M. Skutella. Earliest arrival flows in networks with multiple sinks, Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 164, part 1, February 2014, pages 320–327.