MA-INF 1307 - Seminar Advanced Algorithms 2018

The topics have been assigned in the introductory meeting on the 17th of April. If there are any questions to this seminar, please contact Melanie Schmidt.

General Information

When Where Start Lecturer
Tuesday, 12:15-13:45 INF / Room 2.050 17th April Röglin, Schmidt


This semester's seminar will be about clustering with upper and lower bounds.

Date Name Paper
29.05. Anna ArutyunovaKorupolu, Plaxton, Rajaraman: Analysis of a Local Search Heuristic for Facility Location Problems
05.06. Armin SchrenkSvitkina: Lower Bounded Facility Location
19.06. Belinda BeckerKuller, Sussmann: The capacitated k-center problem

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